Monday, December 8, 2008

Live Poll Result Out


Counting has begun for five states- Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Mizoram.

Results of these five Assembly polls will be more crucial than any set of election outcomes in recent years as they could well define the battlefield issues for the next general elections.

State elections are dominated by local or regional factors. Polls to Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Mizoram will not end up breaking the mould. But events have added a dimension that can defy political calculations.

The meltdown of Lehman Bros in US in mid-September changed much of the world. The crisis hit Indian shores at a time when inflation was still high. Just as the government scrambled in the face of the financial crisis, the mind-numbing horror of the jihadi strikes on Mumbai swept everything away. India has hardly ever felt so vulnerable and helpless as it mourns its dead. The 60 hours of terror may or may not be India's 9/11, but it has impacted the mass mind, generating for the first time since the Kargil war, something like a national mood in urban areas.

The mood is angry, sullen, demanding, scared. As a wounded aspirant to superpower status confronts an old enemy and hunts for answers, the assembly results will be seen as a pointer of how the country is thinking. The Mumbai attack happened just a day ahead of Madhya Pradesh elections. Three days later, when Delhi voters lined up at polling booths, guns in Mumbai had not yet fallen silent. Rajasthan voted eight days later.

A mixed result will keep the political suspense in place. It might be a fitting outcome as BJP is yet to deliver a coherent message on what it offers given its slip-ups like the short-sighted defense of the Malegaon-accused. It could be imprudent to read even a BJP sweep as a final verdict as taut emotions will subside unless there are more terror attacks. But it will certainly be read as a validation of its `soft-on-terror' charge against the government, encouraging the party to pile on the pressure at a time when people are having to battle another kind of insecurity as well -- strong fear of decline resulting from the global meltdown.

Success for BJP may see the "secular" camp, currently quite disunited; mend fences to keep saffron forces at bay. Yet, Left's differences with the Manmohan Singh government run deep. A poor show will increase centrifugal forces in UPA as some perpetual weather wanes take fresh flight. It will become increasingly evident that prospects of Congress retaining power are uncertain.

The message for BJP is complex. It may benefit from a "Mumbai surge" but general elections are still four months away. The main Opposition will have to sustain gains of a random event. Before the Mumbai attacks, its campaign in Delhi appeared less than convincing. It also has to see how it can gain more allies, work to mend a bleeding sore in UP which elects 80 Lok Sabha MPs, and guard against the type of premature celebrations because of which, taken in by its sweep in the December 2003 state polls, ended up snatching defeat from the jaws of a highly probable win.

While the bi-polar trend in politics can be strengthened by either Congress or BJP emerging clear winner, the role of regional outfits like Samajwadi Party or Bahujan Samaj Party cannot be under-estimated. BSP, in particular, is the party to watch in all four north Indian states.

Congress continues to have a weak presence in most states which account for a large number of Lok Sabha seats. BJP has to cover more ground and it still needs to set right its internal equilibrium. Success will only spur ambitious leaders despite L K Advani being the prime ministerial nominee.

This is absolutely crunch time for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. How he moves in the next few weeks will decide how his government will go down in history. He has paid a high price for neglecting counter-terrorism and for his belief in a shared future for India and Pakistan. The test is as severe for Congress chief Sonia Gandhi. Some delayed decisions like changing the Maharashtra leadership have come home to roost. Irrespective of results, there is no room for half-measures now.

Elections Result of Delhi

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